About us

Who we are

We specialize in empowering mobile apps and games to achieve enterprise level user engagement through AI-driven push notifications.

Our platform has functional predictive segments, AI time and frequency, as well as AI copywriting and localization, resulting in more effective user engagement strategies.

Unlike other solutions, nGrow doesn’t require integrating an SDK, significantly reducing the implementation timeline by 99%.

Efficient $ at scale

Best fit for large audience apps

X3 more effective vs
trigger push

Optimize Time, Frequency,

Predictive segments

Predict ideal push campaign configuration based on behaviour

No SDK needed

nGrow runs on top Firebase, Amplitude, Adjust, AppsFlyer and other analytics software

Individual AI push asset generation

Better push texts enriched with emoji and images

nGrow vs engagement platforms

Basic features
Free plan Subscribers limit
Average integration time
3 months
3 months
3 months
2 weeks
1 day
No-SDK integration
Campign Tag limit
24/7 CRM team support
Full events/parameters segmentation
Raw data export
Custom analytical reports
Copywriting & Localization
Automated A/B testing
AI Delivery time adjusting
Monthly cost for 5 000 000 subscribers
~6 500$
~20 000$
~8 000$
3 250$


Alex Sergeev

CEO nGrow.ai

Marketing and analytics director 11+ years expertise

CMO Easter European IT ecosystem

Analytics&Marketing advisor of 40+ global apps

Marat Zhanabekov

CTO nGrow.ai

10+ years experience in Data science and Marketing

Ex. Acqusition analytics ScentBird

Master’s Degree in Computer Science